Product Strategy at Medium & Large Companies

There is abundant literature out there that has discussed various iterative models and techniques used for product development to help product strategists and managers build the products their customer wants and achieve business success. They are great and no one can deny the importance of experimental approaches to the success of any product strategy execution and pivot or refreshing it over time.
However, when it comes to medium and large companies, it is easier said than done. Each one has its challenges that can derail the best product strategy and its execution.

In this post, I would like to shed some light on common themes I have encountered throughout my career as a product leader and strategist.

Company Culture

“Culture eats strategy for breakfast” – Peter Drucker.

Whether it is an established product company or setting off on their product’s journey, your organization’s culture is the first thing you need to spend time analyzing before you start thinking about building any strategy. I found the Cultural Web, a model developed by Johnson and Scholes, is a great start to see and understand the different influences and dynamics that affect organisational culture.

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