Integrating OKRs With the 0, 30 and 90-day Rule to Measure Product Success

What is OKR?

OKR (Objectives and Key Results) is a goal setting system used by Google and other companies. It is a simple approach to create alignment and engagement around measurable goals.

I will (Objective) as measured by (this set of Key Results).

OKRs originated at Intel in the late 90s and was introduced to Google in 1999 by the famous venture capitalist John Doerr, and continued to spread to other companies in the Silicon Valley. It has supported Google growth from 40 employees until now!

I will not explain OKRs in details as there are many online resources for this purpose. I will, however, show you how I integrated this framework with the 0, 30 and 90-day rule to achieve product success and to ensure everyone is going in the same direction, with clear priorities, in a constant agile rhythm.

What is the 0, 30 and 90-day Rule?

It is a test criteria used in Agile development to test different stages of product adoption by target users (personas): Continue reading